Our run of freakishly warm weather continues, so once more to Ault Park we go, to hang with the Hyde Park Mamas and their sparkly children. The boys held their own in stick fights and cuteness.

Last week three boys moved in. Two tow headed under 4-ft, and one much taller, a looker. Laura, and Wendy, your room now has a bunk bed, mini chairs, a mini poang, table and lots of toys. And, we get up very early in the morning.  Little Monkey and Big Monkey are superheroes in my life, literally. Has anyone heard of Ultraman? Not only am I brushing teeth and ‘helping’ at the toilet, I am getting a basic course in comic books, characters, and which is Marvel and which is..not.

Anyway, there is really too much cute sweetness in this house now; in addition to the four fur balls it is like a explosion of CUTE.

We’ve donated to the Adam and Goodwill but I’m still staring at loads of things-that-need-to-be-dumped-or-filed-or-put-in-a-place (read attic). Maybe most of it will be cleared in time for our bbq sunday.  The basement is coming along, wouldn’t you say T? He is particularly devoted and excited about the man cave that will soon be his domain.

As some friends have asked, and I’ve wondered…sharing space is actually going great, the house loves it and so do I. Now three more can call priscillaneous Home.

I don’t know where to begin.

I’m sitting here, looking down at an outfit I never would have chosen to wear to work a performance – but alas, I had decided to keep my suit at work, which seemed like a good idea during this week of American Ballet Theatre shows, but apparently I decided I didn’t need bring anything to wear underneath it. 

Facepalm. (or in my case, palmface.)

Thankfully I do work in a big city with shops open in the evening, and crisis was averted by a quick trip across the loop.  Truth is, I’m a mess.  I can’t get organized, remember what day of the week it is, get things done.  My apartment looks like the MOLA conference exploded in there, along with the New York Times, and receipts and such for taxes.  Mounds of blankets and sweaters are everywhere despite the unseasonably warm weather Chicago has been experiencing – what can I say, I like to nest and cocoon, it’s who I am.

Good point though.  Who am I?  Well I’m definitely a different person than I was a year ago, blame it on loveache, jobache, or insert another made-up word.  Over the last bit, everything seems to have shifted almost imperceptibly, and it is a terribly strange not knowing exactly which path I’m taking to world domination.  I’m still heading there, mind you, but just not sure how anymore, and what’s important along the way.

Maybe this is the new adult me, that does her taxes in a timely manner, regularly takes care of her dry-cleaning, and doesn’t eat out every night.  The one thing I hope is not part of the new me is this forgetfulness – in the last two weeks I’ve lost (and found some) jewelry, small electronics, work I.D. and keys, and forgotten a lot, like necessary underthings in order to work a performance – which is simply not who I ever was, nor who I ever want to be.

Maybe the new me will write more.

Happy New Year everyone! The world celebrates another birthday, becomes a year older, and it’s a time to look forward while remembering the past.  Here‘s a set of photos of celebrations from all over the world, from a blog I’ve become a big fan of called the Big Picture.

As for me, I celebrated with a few friends, the New York Phil concert on in the background and as the clock ticked midnight, JLo shook her booty on Dick Clark’s NYRE, and we all stood on one foot….to begin the year on the ‘right’ foot… a Brazilian tradition re-enacted thanks to our  friend from Curitiba.

The Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in history, dating from 2600BC, when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the zodiac. Like the Western calendar, The Chinese Lunar Calendar is a yearly one, with the start of the lunar year being based on the cycles of the moon. Therefore, because of this cyclical dating, the beginning of the year can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. This year it falls on February 12th.

The Chinese Lunar New Year is t

he longest chronological record in history, dating from 2600BC, when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the zodiac. Like the Western calendar, The Chinese Lunar Calendar is a yearly one, with the start of the lunar year being based on the cycles of the moon. Therefore, because of this cyclical dating, the beginning of the year can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. This year it falls on February 12th.

Kitty cat energy is like nothing else. Seriously.  The O’s are driving me insane.

This is them coming home three weeks ago. Since that day, Oscar went from being 4 lbs to 5.6.  Olive went from 2.4 to 4.

Priscilla is ready for winter and your visit.  Drives are sealed and leaves are at long last blown down into the gulch. Your room is waiting and so are the cheesy fries at Arthurs.  The O’s keep a lot of crazy going on, terrorizing toilet paper rolls, playing with feet, eating plants, and the poor red sofa is taking even more of a beating. Sometimes I think I see Simon outside.

The CE’s awesomeness has not dimmed. Do you know they are going to do a “cupping” for cn, for a cn blend?  Tony mentioned “full bodied, nutty, with a bright edge”. I think for sure nutty.

And of course the family you left on Elm St will be super excited to see you too. Don’t let them force any snowman costumes on you, though you might wax nostalgic long enough to let them try.

Til then,



The untimely death of mr. thunderpaws was due to…well, let’s spare the details. Tragic news.  Simo-face, we will miss your dog-like ways of comforting us, watching over the house and those in it, your squeaky voice, and belly-up cat stretches in the sun.  Thanks for the gifts of live chipmunks, mice, even a snake once, and always you never had the heart to actually kill them.  They always lived, and always ran back into the woods.  Everyone on the street will miss your patrol, and visits.


I like to rotate the music on my mp3 player, to serenade me throughout the day, around the loop, over the Chicago River, and block out the noise of the crazy homeless person sitting next to me.  Some things come and go, but one that always remains is Rachmaninoff Symphony Nr. 2, recorded with my dear friends, PJ and the gang.  When the 3rd movement begins, I hear Richie begin his solo, and all the people that I love, and I always sigh.  I remember the amazing people I have in my life, the amazing experiences I’ve had, and all the good to come.  Sometimes, you just need a little reminder in the form of a musical hug.  I miss you guys!

The summer album of Priscillaneous has been decided.  Last summer it was MiniGoGo mixes, Death Cab for Cutie, and Kullervo.  Yes, we love classy emo mixes,

I give you, the Shins.


DJBK first introduced me to the Shins during our jaunt on 14ers in CO – but it was a friend of the collective family that introduced us to this album.  It”s catchy.  You should listen.

I’m not sure what this summer will bring.  I think camping in the backyard, roadtrips, world domination, lazy sundays, a smattering of drama, so really, just the usual.

May 2024
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